
Generate custom, humorous portraits from uploaded photos, with over 100 4K resolution options, including buff, muscular, and anime-style, for fun and sharing.
AI-powered Art Creation Digital Memento Generation Cartoonish Portrait Generation

Headbot is an AI-powered tool that can generate custom portraits so you can see yourself in a humorous, cartoonish light. You can upload your own photos and get more than 100 custom portraits in 4K resolution to share with friends and family or as a prank gift. You can make them buff and muscular or anime-style, too, for a bit of fun.

It's easy to use: upload your photos, and Headbot's AI will create the portraits. The company deletes the photos after 24 hours for privacy.

Headbot is good for anyone who wants to take a lighthearted jab at themselves or create a digital memento. You can use the portraits to impress your friends and family or just to have a good time.

There's no pricing information, but you can sign up and start making your own AI portraits on the Headbot website. Social media links to Twitter and Instagram are also available if you want to follow the project's updates.

Published on June 14, 2024

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