Hayai Learn

Learn Japanese through AI-infused video immersion, with interactive subtitles, relevant definitions, and sentence explanations, making language learning more engaging and effective.
Language Translation AI-powered Learning Video-based Education

Hayai Learn is a new way to learn Japanese with AI-infused video immersion. The service uses YouTube videos, including TV shows, anime, music and games, to help you learn new vocabulary and grammar in a more entertaining and long-term way.

Hayai Learn uses AI in several ways to improve learning:

  • Interactive Subtitles: Hover or click on a word to open a pop-up dictionary definition.
  • Relevant Definitions: AI shows the most relevant definition for each word in the sentence it appears in, so you're not overwhelmed with definitions.
  • AI Sentence Explanations: Explain tricky sentences and grammatical points for better understanding.
  • Video Examples for Memory Association: See multiple playable example sentences for each word, directly pulled from YouTube videos.
  • Difficulty Analysis and Tracking: Find videos that are at your level and track your progress in vocabulary and grammar.
  • Subtitles for Sentence Mining and Notes: Collect and annotate useful sentences for later review.
  • Video-Assisted Quiz System: Test your memory of new words by recalling their meanings within the video context.
  • Improved Captioning: Generate subtitles for YouTube videos.

The service is geared to help you learn fast, especially if you're a beginner, by immersing you in language. You can track unlimited words and bookmark videos with a subscription, which also unlocks premium translations and explanations.

Hayai Learn works on phone, computer or tablet and comes with a default library of more than 800 YouTube videos in a variety of categories. You can also import any YouTube video with Japanese subtitles, so the library is effectively unlimited.

Pricing isn't clear, but you'll need a subscription for full access. If you cancel, you're limited to tracking up to 50 words and 10 bookmarks. You can check pricing and sign up at the Hayai Learn website.

Published on June 14, 2024

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