Hanson Robotics

Robots that mimic human personalities, interact with humans, and learn from them, with advanced cognitive abilities and lifelike expressions.
Artificial Intelligence Robotics Socially Intelligent Machines Human-Robot Interaction Cognitive Architecture

Hanson Robotics is an AI and robotics company that's working to build socially intelligent machines that can improve our lives. It's working on cognitive architecture and AI software that lets its robots mimic human personalities, interact with humans and learn from them.

The Hanson Robotics robots are designed to look human and to have advanced cognitive abilities. They can look you in the eye, recognize faces, understand speech and engage in natural language conversations. The robots' faces are made of a patented material called Frubber, nanotech skin that's modeled on human muscles and skin for lifelike expressions and interaction.

The company offers a range of robots, each with its own characteristics and abilities. Among them are Sophia, Little Sophia, Han, Bina, Philip K Dick, Jules, Joey Chaos, Alice, Zeno, Professor Einstein and Albert HUBO. Sophia is the most advanced, with the ability to combine real AI and human input for hybrid interactions. Little Sophia, designed for home use, can walk, learn and participate in educational activities.

Hanson AI, the company's research division, is working on the cognitive software that will make the robots tick. It's working on symbolic reasoning, natural language dialog and intelligent animation, using a bio-inspired, holistic approach to robotics and AI. The Hanson AI framework includes symbolic reasoning, a hypergraph knowledge database and a variety of machine perception technologies, all designed to produce more lifelike animation and intelligent control.

Hanson Robotics wants to build robots that understand real-world situations with empathy and common sense, and ultimately to build machines that can match human intelligence. The company's goal is to raise robots that are friends and useful assistants, improving our lives through interactions and relationships.

The company doesn't reveal pricing or specific use cases, but Hanson Robotics' robots could be useful in education, health care, sales and entertainment. You can check out the robots and interact with them at Hanson Robotics' public events and in your own home. If you're interested in AI and robotics, Hanson Robotics offers a different take on building socially intelligent machines that can improve our lives.

Published on July 2, 2024

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