
Automates complex back office tasks, such as medical billing and data onboarding, by training computers to process and integrate unstructured data from various sources.
Automated Back Office Processing Unstructured Data Management Artificial Intelligence Automation

GradientJ is intended to automate complex, laborious back office processes with AI. The tool lets non-technical people wrestle with unstructured data from different systems, like PDFs, spreadsheets and images. By training computers to do the work, GradientJ promises to reduce back office drudgery without needing to hire more humans.

GradientJ automates tasks like medical billing, data onboarding, underwriting submissions and more. That can help to process and integrate information from different sources and reduce the amount of manual labor. For example, GradientJ can infer medical billing codes from patient transcripts, automatically process and import customer data from legacy systems, or complete contract proposals based on historical work and RFP details.

The company uses the new language model technology, which is good at complex and nuanced tasks. Once trained, the models can be reproduced endlessly, so there's no need to hire and train armies of people.

GradientJ also offers tools and services for LLM (Large Language Model) teams, including a development platform and solutions service to build and integrate AI applications. That includes abilities like AI that learns alongside you, rapid development of complex apps and teamwork after deployment. GradientJ also offers data extraction, chatbots and data cleaning automation tools, and it's geared for industries like Insurance and Human Resources.

GradientJ is geared for companies that want to expand back office operations without hiring armies of people to do the work. It's designed to be easy to use, so both technical and non-technical people can use it. For more details, check the GradientJ website.

Published on June 9, 2024

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