GPT Hotline

Access a powerful AI assistant directly in WhatsApp, enabling instant conversations, image editing, news updates, and more, all within a familiar messaging app.
Chatbot Development Artificial Intelligence Assistants Conversational AI

GPT Hotline lets you talk to a more powerful AI right in WhatsApp, bringing the chatbot technology to the world's most widely used messaging app. That means you can have a conversation, create images, and get news updates all in an app you already know and use.

With GPT Hotline, you can do the following:

  • Instant Messaging: Start or resume a conversation with the AI at any time.
  • Search and Share Past Conversations: Look up and share previous conversations with friends.
  • Power Commands: Use special commands to create and edit images, videos and get the latest news.
  • Image Editing: Send an image with editing instructions and get the edited image back.
  • Speech to Text: Send voice messages and the AI will respond.
  • Reminders: Set reminders up to 24 hours in advance and get a message when the time arrives.

GPT Hotline is designed to be a useful and powerful AI assistant. By embedding the GPT-3 technology directly into a WhatsApp number, you can easily interact with the AI in an app you already know and like.

Here's how GPT Hotline works, with a simple pricing structure:

  • Pro Plan: $9.99 per month, with a maximum of 1000 messages and 1 million tokens (about 750,000 words).

GPT Hotline is geared for people already comfortable with ChatGPT and who want to tap into its power from the comfort of their WhatsApp messaging app. You can use the advanced features while keeping the conversation tone and easily share your interactions with others. If you're looking for a powerful AI assistant that's built into a widely used messaging app, GPT Hotline is a convenient and reliable option.

Published on June 14, 2024

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