Formula Bot

Turns text into various outputs, including Excel formulas, SQL queries, and more, to accelerate data analysis and spreadsheet workflows.
Data Analysis Spreadsheet Automation AI-powered Content Generation

Formula Bot is an integrated data analysis platform that lets you get more out of your data and spreadsheets. The AI-powered tool can turn text into a variety of outputs, including Excel formulas, SQL queries, VBA scripts, Google Apps Scripts and more, so you can get to the data faster.

Formula Bot includes several tools in its service. The Excel Formula Generator lets you generate formulas or get explanations right in your spreadsheet. The SQL Query Generator generates SQL queries and offers explanations for database syntax. The Text to Excel Converter turns PDFs or text files into spreadsheets.

The Data Analyzer tool lets you analyze data by asking questions in plain language. You can upload, link to and combine data from various sources, then ask questions to turn text into charts, analysis, tables and more complex models without having to write any code.

Formula Bot also can automate tasks with AI in spreadsheets. That includes sentiment analysis that categorizes text, like product reviews or social media posts, and text classification that categorizes data. You can also use the tool to generate lots of other content, like blog posts or programming code.

Formula Bot has a few pricing tiers to suit different needs:

  • Free Forever: $0/month, 5 generations, 5MB file upload, 5 questions in the Data Analyzer.
  • Lite: $9/month, unlimited generators, 50MB file upload, 50 questions in the Data Analyzer, 2 files per chat.
  • Pro: $15/month, unlimited generators, 100MB file upload, unlimited Data Analyzer questions, 20 files per chat.
  • Premium: $30/month, unlimited generators, 150MB file upload, unlimited Data Analyzer questions, 20 files per chat, better results and accuracy.

Formula Bot can connect to a variety of data sources, including Excel, Google Sheets, Google Analytics and more. The company positions the service as a way to make data analysis more accessible and easier to use, which means it could be useful to anyone who works with data and spreadsheets.

Published on June 13, 2024

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