
Access institutional-grade financial data, including real-time stock prices, company fundamentals, and alternative data, to make informed investment decisions.
Financial Data APIs Real-time Market Data Alternative Data Solutions

Finnhub's suite of real-time financial data and alternative data APIs is designed to help you make informed investment decisions. The stock API offers institutional-grade data to help you make better decisions, with a mission to democratize access to the information. The suite of APIs includes real-time stock prices, company fundamentals, estimates, and alternative data across a broad range of financial instruments.

Finnhub supports real-time data updates for stocks, currencies and cryptocurrencies using RESTful APIs and WebSockets. For global companies, it also offers detailed financial statements going back 30 years, including dividend data, ownership lists and analyst estimates. The suite of APIs also includes comprehensive ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Indices data, including holdings and industry exposure.

Other features of Finnhub include:

  • Real-time Market Data: 30 years of historical data for US markets, with 15-minute delayed LSE data and end-of-day tick-level data for international markets.
  • Forex API: Direct connections to over 10 brokers.
  • Crypto API: Access to 15+ crypto brokers.
  • Technical Analysis: Precomputed technical indicators and pattern recognition.
  • Alternative Data: Earnings call transcripts, news and social media sentiment, ESG data, and thematic investing insights.

Finnhub is designed to support a variety of applications, from financial models to trading systems. Its horizontal scalability and high availability mean that the API can handle large volumes of data and petabyte-scale analytics.

Pricing tiers are available to suit different needs:

  • Free: Real-time API access for stocks, forex, and cryptocurrency.
  • Start Free: $2500/month for fundamental and alternative data.
  • All-In-One: Pricing varies depending on the scope of data required.
  • Fundamental Data: $50/month/market for standardized financial statements and ownership data.
  • Stock Estimates: $75/month/market for EPS surprises and earnings calendar data.
  • ETFs and Indices: $500/month for ETFs and $1000/month for Mutual Funds.
  • Enterprise Pricing: Flexible and customized for commercial use with redistribution rights.

Finnhub is for developers, financial analysts and traders who need reliable and comprehensive financial data to make informed decisions. With its powerful API and scalable infrastructure, Finnhub can support complex financial analysis and large-scale data processing.

Published on July 10, 2024

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