
Analyze documents, extract data, and automate tasks by asking questions, with support for various file formats and industries like finance, research, and law.
Document Analysis Automated Data Extraction Artificial Intelligence for Research

FileAI is an AI-powered file reader that's designed to help you analyze documents, extract data and automate your work in areas like finance, research, law and other fields. You can upload a batch of files, then ask questions to get answers.

FileAI is useful in a variety of ways:

  • Construction Code Compliance: Scan PDFs of regulations and standards to get quick answers.
  • Resume Optimization: Scan and highlight relevant information for each job you apply to.
  • Legal Research: Find relevant case law, statutes and precedents by scanning legal documents and databases.
  • Text Summarization: Create summaries of research papers, articles and textbooks to get the gist of the information.
  • Data Extraction: Automatically extract and organize important information, keywords and references from academic papers.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Check student assignments and research papers for potential plagiarism.

FileAI has some features to try to make your life easier and protect your privacy:

  • Zero Retention Data Policy: The data you upload is used for the intended purpose and then discarded. It's not used for other purposes.
  • Temporary File Storage: AI versions of files are deleted after 7 days if they aren't used.
  • Uptime Guarantee: 99.9% uptime means you can rely on being able to use the service.

FileAI has a few pricing tiers:

  • Free: 2,000 words in chat, 1 file, 10MB file size limit.
  • Pro: $9.90 per month, unlimited words in chat, 10 files, 100MB file size limit, multi-file reading.

FileAI can handle a lot of file formats, including documents, images, spreadsheets, presentations and text files. That means it can be useful for getting a handle on a collection of files, analyzing them and sharing information with others. By applying machine learning technology, FileAI can help you get a better handle on your data and automate some of the drudgery of your work. That's why it's a good option for people who want to get a better handle on their documents.

Published on July 19, 2024

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