
Get instant explanations and summaries of web content with a built-in AI assistant, helping you understand and make informed decisions.
AI Assistant Content Summarization Personalized Learning

ExplainThis is a Chrome extension that uses AI to help you understand what's going on when you're on the web. It's designed to help you understand things, summarize information and get personalized help. It's a tool that acts as a live AI assistant built right into your browser.

ExplainThis is good for a variety of situations:

  • Research & Academic Work: Get quick insights, summarize documents and organize references.
  • Professional Work: Get explanations and context without leaving a webpage.
  • Project Management: Organize useful information and get reminders and updates.
  • Daily Browsing: Cut through the noise for better browsing.
  • Learning & Development: Get personalized recommendations and explanations based on your learning style.
  • E-commerce Shopping: Make informed purchasing decisions with detailed product information.
  • Travel Planning: Organize and categorize useful travel information.
  • Job Hunting: Get insights into employers and access interview prep resources.
  • Social Media Management: Create and manage content with personalized recommendations and scheduling help.

Some of the key features include:

  • Highlight and Explain: Get explanations for highlighted text in plain language.
  • Effortlessly Digest Long Pages: Summarize an entire page with one click so you can quickly understand what's going on.

ExplainThis is planned to launch in 2023. People who sign up for the waiting list will be among the first to get updates and be able to try the tool before its launch. By installing ExplainThis as a browser extension, you can have a built-in AI assistant to help you get more out of the web.

Published on June 14, 2024

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