
Verify emails before sending campaigns to improve deliverability, lower bounce rates, and boost overall email health with 99% accuracy and GDPR compliance.
Email Verification Email Marketing Optimization Deliverability Improvement

Emailable is an email verification tool that helps you build a better domain reputation and maximize the return on investment of your email marketing campaigns by verifying emails before sending a campaign or at the point of capture. It's designed to help you improve email deliverability, lower bounce rates and improve overall email health.

Emailable provides a range of tools to help you keep your list healthy. Among them:

  • Bulk Email List Verification: Verify large groups of emails with a few clicks to ensure better deliverability and remove bad or suspicious addresses.
  • Email Verification API: Verify emails in your application with an easy-to-use HTTP API or client libraries for Node.js, Ruby or Python.
  • Real-time Email Validation Widget: Stop bad emails from getting to your database by adding real-time verification to HTML forms.
  • Check Email Deliverability: Track important metrics that determine inbox placement and get tips on how to improve email deliverability.

Emailable's top features include:

  • 99% Accuracy: High confidence in the results of email verification.
  • GDPR Compliance: Adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation to ensure data privacy and security.
  • 50+ Integrations: Easy integration with leading email marketing tools like ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, MailChimp and Salesforce.

Pricing is based on the number of emails verified, with discounts for larger quantities. You can start with 250 free credits and buy more as needed. Credits never expire, and unknown results are free. You can pay by the month, by the year or in advance, with no long-term commitment.

Emailable is designed to be easy to use but also powerful, with an email verification tool that can be integrated in seconds. More than 200,000 businesses in 185 countries trust it to keep their deliverability rates high and get their emails to the inbox.

Published on July 11, 2024

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