Dog Identifier

Identify dog breeds from photos or videos, including mixed breeds, and access information on characteristics, temperament, and history.
Pet Care Solutions Image Recognition Breed Identification

Dog Identifier is an AI-powered breed scanner that can identify dog breeds from photos or videos. The app uses AI algorithms to predict a dog breed and offer information about its characteristics, temperament, and history. Users can take a photo of a dog or choose one from their photo library, and the app will scan the image to determine the breed.

The app covers more than 170 FCI dog breeds and can also identify mixed breeds, offering information on the breed makeup. The app's features include:

  • Scan & Identify Dog Breeds: Scan a photo or video to identify a dog breed.
  • Mixed Breed Identification: Find out what breeds are mixed.
  • Find a Dog: Get recommendations for dog breeds based on your preferences (lifestyle, living situation, etc.).
  • Breed Information: Learn about dog breeds, including personality, energy level, size and grooming needs.
  • Dog Feed: See daily fun facts about different breeds and create and share posts about your dog.
  • Dog Mood Detection: Analyze a dog's face and body language to determine its mood.
  • User-Friendly Interface: A clean and intuitive design for easy use.

Dog Identifier is useful for dog owners, breeders and anyone curious about dog breeds. The app is designed to help people make informed decisions about the right dog breed for them and learn more about their dog's emotions and needs.

And by regularly updating the app with new breeds and features, Dog Identifier ensures that users have the most current information about dog breeds.

Published on June 14, 2024

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