
Automatically updates dependencies with AI-powered analysis of library changelogs and release notes, ensuring secure and up-to-date dependencies with minimal effort.
Dependency Management Automated Compliance DevOps Tools

DepsHub is a dependency management tool designed for developers to keep dependencies up to date and secure. It uses an AI-powered engine to analyze library changelogs and release notes to automatically update dependencies, including any breaking changes.

DepsHub offers several key features:

  • Noise-free dependency management: Secure tools for effective dependency management regardless of team size.
  • Cross-repository overview: See all dependencies in one place without having to dig through individual repositories.
  • License compliance: Ensure dependencies are licensed correctly to avoid legal issues.
  • Security alerts: Receive notifications about security vulnerabilities and update code only when necessary.

DepsHub supports a wide range of languages and frameworks, including JavaScript, Python, Go, Rust, Java, and PHP. It also integrates with popular tools like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Linear, Jira, and Zapier.

In terms of pricing, DepsHub offers a free plan for open-source repositories, which includes unlimited public repositories, unlimited team members, unlimited security alerts, basic integrations, and basic chat support. The Professional plan costs $28/month per code contributor and includes unlimited public and private repositories, unlimited team members, unlimited security alerts, unlimited integrations, and 24/7 chat support. Contact the DepsHub team for custom Enterprise plans.

DepsHub aims to save time by providing an efficient and easy way to monitor and update dependencies. Its AI-powered updates and smart scheduling help reduce unnecessary updates and keep dependencies reasonably fresh.

Published on July 26, 2024

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