
Converts text into high-quality audio content with human-like emotions, intonation, and rhythm, rapidly and at a lower cost than traditional recording studios.
Audio Content Generation Voice Synthesis Digital Voice Solutions

DeepZen converts text into high-quality audio content that sounds like real humans speaking. Using sophisticated AI technology, the platform creates digital voice solutions rapidly and at a lower cost than traditional recording studios. The tool is designed for audiobooks, advertising, marketing, brand voices and other voice content.

DeepZen's digital voices are designed to capture the nuance of human emotion, intonation and rhythm so the result sounds engaging and lifelike. The technology is suited for publishers, marketers, educators and game developers, speeding up the creation of audio content and making it more accessible.

Among the features:

  • Emotional Range: AI voices can convey a full range of emotions the way human narrators do.
  • Convenience: Faster production and no geographical constraints.
  • Cost Efficiency: No limits to production capacity and lower costs.

DeepZen has three pricing tiers:

  • Professional: $35 per month (2 hours of audio or video, built-in speech & pause control, fast synthesis, emotion control and VideoMaker).
  • Start-Up/Scale-Up: $169 per month (10 hours of audio or video, API access, full speech control and custom voice options).
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for large-scale voice needs, including full customer support, training and on-premise deployment.

DeepZen is for publishers, authors, agencies, marketers, production companies, content creators, voice artists and game developers. Integration with Unreal Engine and Unity makes it a good option for video game developers.

It's good for projects that require high-quality audio content that sounds natural, like human voices. DeepZen speeds up production and makes it easier to create audio content.

Published on June 14, 2024

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