
Unify data, context, and team collaboration to drive informed decisions, with AI-powered connections and expert-built templates for instant business insights.
Business Intelligence Data Analytics Collaboration Tools

Daydream is a self-serve analytics, insights and reporting tool for CEOs, COOs, finance and operations teams. With AI-powered connections to data, written context and team collaboration, it's designed to help teams make decisions and act quickly.

Daydream is designed to overcome shortcomings of traditional analytics tools that can't tell the story behind the numbers. The tool is geared for collaboration, reporting and analysis to help teams understand their business at all levels. It's geared for CEOs, founders, CROs and business operations teams that want to accelerate growth with instant insights and coaching.

Daydream's features include:

  • Templates built by industry experts: Pre-built templates for common business use cases like B2B startup management, pipeline coverage analysis and SaaS daily dashboards.
  • Data + Context: Connect data with written context and team discussions to make insights more actionable.
  • Collaboration tools: Let team members rally around results they can see with discussion, decisions and actions.
  • Full company visibility: Drill down from summaries to details across teams or back in time, replacing siloed reporting with a single company memory bank.
  • Easy onboarding: Connect any tool or data warehouse with a single click, with the ability to use SQL if needed.

Daydream is designed to make analytics easier for nontechnical people while still offering sophisticated analysis. The company offers a free trial so you can try it out for yourself. Pricing isn't clear, but Daydream positions itself as a tool that scales as businesses grow.

Published on June 14, 2024

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