
Run custom JavaScript code in various systems and tools, extending applications with flexible execution and customizable response types.
Automation Platform Code Execution API Integration

CustomJS is a code-first automation platform that lets you easily write and run custom JavaScript code in a wide variety of systems and tools. That means you can extend applications with code that does things like send emails, generate PDFs or update fields in a CRM system.

CustomJS is designed to be flexible and transparent, letting you run JavaScript code by clicking links with dynamically generated parameters. That means you can see exactly what's going on and avoid the black box nature of automation. You can also select response types of Text, JSON, HTML, PNG and PDF so it works with whatever you need.

Here are the main features of CustomJS:

  • JavaScript Code: Write JavaScript and run it from other tools.
  • Response Type: Select from Text, JSON, HTML, PNG and PDF response types.
  • Flexible Execution: Run code with POST requests, HTML forms or direct browser links.

CustomJS offers a freemium plan that lets you run functions 600 times per month without requiring you to enter a credit card number. That's a good price for people who want to add custom JavaScript logic without paying a lot of money.

The service is good for automating tasks like generating invoice PDFs using the Airtable API, sending emails generated by ChatGPT, or exporting Airtable data as JSON objects. It can also be used for interactive HTML landing pages with forms and can be integrated with tools like Make, Salesforce, Airtable and Google Spreadsheets.

CustomJS pricing depends on the number of requests per day:

  • Basic: 20 requests per day for free.
  • Pro: 100 requests per day for $9/month.
  • Ultra: 500 requests per day for $29/month.
  • Mega: 5000 requests per day for $99/month.

CustomJS is a good, if not spectacular, option for running custom JavaScript code to extend applications. It's a good option for people who want to automate some tasks without having to pay a lot of money.

Published on July 8, 2024

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