
Automates code management tasks, such as code reviews, release notes, and refactoring, to streamline development workflows and improve code quality.
Code Review Automation Developer Productivity Tools AI-powered Coding Assistance

Cosine is a developer assistant that automates many tasks and helps manage code. It's designed to help developers figure out where to put new code, write that new code, and find specific features in their codebase. Cosine uses AI to help with this, for example by ensuring code reviews are perfect, scaffolding is fast and READMEs are up to date.

Among Cosine's abilities:

  • Automated Release Notes: Generate release notes for new releases.
  • Codebase Onboarding: Graphically represent microservice architecture for easy navigation.
  • OAuth Code Refactor: Automate refactoring of OAuth code.
  • Impact Assessment: Detect potential risks and surface area increases in changes to code.
  • Semantic Validation: Run tests to validate code quality.
  • Ticket to PR: Convert tickets into pull requests with automated code generation.
  • Natural Language Rules: Define PR criteria with natural language rules.
  • Slash Commands: Run tasks with custom commands.
  • Chat via Slack: Ask codebase questions and team productivity questions directly in Slack.
  • Catch me Up: Get a summary of changes since your last task.
  • Auto READMEs updates: Keep READMEs up to date with code changes.

Cosine works with any codebase, including polyrepos, and supports multiple languages. It can integrate with tools like Linear, Confluence, Slack and Notion, so it can slot into existing workflows.

Cosine's AI model is trained on billions of developer tasks, which means it knows how to understand code changes, concepts and idioms. That means the tool can act like a developer, not just a language model wrapper.

Pricing and deployment details aren't clear, but the company offers flexible enterprise options to deploy Cosine on-premises or in a virtual private cloud, so you can accommodate your own needs. You can check the website to learn more about getting started with Cosine.

Published on June 14, 2024

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