Core Laboratories

Analyzes thin section images, searching a global rock catalog for petrophysical and geological analog data to enable calibration before lab results are delivered.
Oil and Gas Analytics Reservoir Performance Optimization Carbon Capture and Storage Solutions

Core Laboratories is a global leader in proprietary and patented reservoir description and production enhancement services and products, which help customers optimize reservoir performance and maximize hydrocarbon recovery from their producing fields. Core Lab has more than 70 offices in more than 50 countries, providing a global presence in every major oil-producing province.

Core Lab serves major, national and independent oil companies around the world. Some of its key services include:

  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Subsurface Characterization: Custom evaluation programs for comprehensive subsurface risk assessment and regulatory compliance, as well as quality and quantity inspection services for carbon storage monitoring.
  • Core Predict: An AI tool that analyzes thin section images and searches a global rock catalog for measured petrophysical and geological analog data, allowing for calibration before lab results are delivered.
  • 3AB – Process Driven A/B Testing: Combines field trials, lab testing, and data analytics to create a statistically relevant data set in two to three wells, reducing decision-making risks.
  • Petroleum Products Inspection: Independent quantity and quality inspection of refined products from various storage facilities to help with loss control.
  • NITROSM Services: Non-invasive core and fluid analytical data analysis, including digital rock characterization, to quickly and accurately characterize reservoirs.

The company also offers a range of specialized services, including the Stim-Lab Consortium, which helps optimize recovery from hydraulically fractured oil and gas wells, and ProTechnics, which offers inflow tracing diagnostics and proppant placement uniformity solutions.

Core Laboratories draws on decades of global experience and expertise to help its customers ensure reliable, affordable and cleaner energy. The company doesn't disclose pricing, but its suite of services and products are designed to address the complex needs of the oil and gas industry.

Published on July 10, 2024

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