
Verifies user identities across 200+ countries and territories with comprehensive ID document verification, selfie checks, and continuous watchlist screening.
Identity Verification KYC Solutions AML Compliance Fraud Detection Regulatory Compliance

Cognito offers a suite of identity verification and KYC solutions for businesses looking to comply with AML regulations worldwide. The platform offers a comprehensive identity verification solution, workflow management and continuous watchlist screening.

Cognito's features include:

  • International ID Verification: Supports verification across more than 200 countries and territories, with 13,000 ID documents and 16 OCR alphabets.
  • Flow: A fully managed, conversion-optimized embeddable interface for user verification with automatic updates and customizable without code.
  • ID Document Verification: Verifies users have possession of their physical ID documents using advanced computer vision and anti-fraud techniques.
  • Selfie Verification: Performs liveness checks to ensure users are who they claim to be and match their ID document photos.
  • Phone ID Link: Verifies user identities starting with a phone number, offering a seamless and non-intrusive onboarding experience.
  • Fraud Detection: Protects against fraud with a suite of anti-fraud checks and intelligent handling of edge cases.
  • Watchlist Screening: Identifies and monitors users on government watchlists, with daily re-scans and customizable algorithms to minimize false positives.
  • Multi-Lingual Name Match: Uses advanced search algorithms to minimize manual reviews.
  • Case History Timelines: Offers a complete audit trail of user activity and escalations.

Cognito is designed to be developer-friendly, with detailed API documentation, a dedicated Slack room and client SDKs for popular programming languages. Integration options include no-code, hybrid and full integration methods to accommodate different project needs.

The platform is built with security in mind, using envelope encryption backed by AES-256 and undergoing regular organizational compliance audits and penetration tests.

Cognito is well-suited for businesses that need strong identity verification and compliance solutions, especially those in high-growth areas where user onboarding and continuous monitoring are critical. By using Cognito, companies can automate their verification processes, minimize friction and maximize conversion rates while ensuring regulatory compliance.

Published on July 12, 2024

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