
Interactive coding exercises with personalized AI feedback, featuring a large library of problems covering various subjects and difficulty levels.
Coding Assistance AI-powered Learning Algorithmic Practice

CodingDrills also offers a personalized AI tutor, Ada, that helps you learn and improve your coding skills through interactive exercises and feedback. The site has a large library of problems to solve, covering a range of subjects including strings, math, arrays and more.

Ada will help you walk through your solution as you would in an interview, pointing out mistakes in your code and helping you solve more than 100 problems. The library is refreshed weekly so you'll always have something new to practice. Exercises are categorized by difficulty and subject matter, ranging from easy to hard.

Some examples of problems you can expect to find include:

  • Palindrome Checker: Given a string, determine if it's a palindrome.
  • Sum of Two Primes: Given a number, find two prime numbers that add up to that number.
  • Valid URL Checker: Given a string, determine if it's a valid URL.
  • Maximum Subarray Length with Given Sum: Given an array and a sum, find the maximum length of a subarray with that sum.
  • Longest Increasing Subsequence: Given an array, find the longest increasing subsequence.
  • Solve Sudoku Board: Given a Sudoku board, solve it.

CodingDrills also offers tutorials for beginners, intermediate and advanced programmers. The tutorials cover subjects like data structures, algorithms, programming languages, web development, software engineering, cybersecurity and cloud computing.

If you want to improve your coding skills with a structured practice regimen, CodingDrills is worth a look with its AI-powered feedback system and broad range of problems. Check out the site and try out its features.

Published on June 11, 2024

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