
Turn static documents into interactive experiences by chatting with PDF, PPTX, XLSX, and DOCX files, powered by AI-driven document interaction.
Document Analysis AI-powered Chat Interactive Learning

ChatDocuments is an AI-powered app that lets you chat with PDF, PPTX, XLSX and DOCX files. The tool is designed to turn static documents into more interactive and engaging experiences.

Among ChatDocuments' features are:

  • AI-powered document interaction: You can chat with PDF, PPTX, XLSX and DOCX files.
  • Multi-language support: The tool works with any language, so you can chat with your documents in whatever language you prefer.
  • Prebuilt prompts: ChatDocuments comes with a variety of prebuilt prompts for common tasks like summarizing chapters, creating job descriptions and proofreading documents.
  • Security and privacy: The tool protects your documents' security and privacy.

ChatDocuments is geared for a variety of people, including students, recruiters and lawyers. For students, ChatDocuments offers prompts for summarizing chapters and writing essays. Recruiters can use it to create job descriptions and write offer letters, and lawyers can summarize legal documents and translate them into other languages.

ChatDocuments offers a free plan with three documents that doesn't require a credit card. Paid plans cost $14.99 per month. There's no setup required to use the tool, so you can get started quickly.

ChatDocuments lets you get more out of your documents and get more out of interacting with them, taking advantage of AI technology for a variety of file formats. For more details, check out ChatDocuments.

Published on June 14, 2024

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