
Tracks website changes, archiving history, and sends detailed alerts for visual, text, keyword, image, and HTML code changes, with customizable criteria.
Website Change Tracking Compliance Monitoring Competitive Intelligence

ChangeTower tracks website changes and archives the history of those changes, offering detailed alerts for changes to visual elements, text, keywords, images and HTML code. The service lets you keep tabs on websites so you can be notified when important changes occur.

Some of ChangeTower's features include:

  • Custom Alert Criteria: Define specific conditions for when alerts are sent, for example visual changes, keyword changes, or changes to code.
  • Visual Page Snapshots: Take full-page screenshots when changes are detected.
  • Multi-Condition Monitoring: Define complex combinations of conditions to monitor specific elements of a page.
  • Code Monitoring: Check for the presence or absence of specific HTML code.
  • Website Availability Monitoring: Be notified when a page goes down or comes back up.
  • Multi-User Alerts: Notify multiple people or teams of changes, with the ability to create dynamic user groups.
  • Email Alerts: Get immediate notification of changes that match your criteria.

ChangeTower offers three tiers of service:

  • Free: $0/month, 6 checks per day, limited features, and 1 month of data archival.
  • Power User: $9/month, 1500-30000 checks per month, 12 notification-only users, and 3 months of data archival.
  • Enterprise: $299/month (billed annually), checks every 3 minutes, unlimited enterprise seats, and up to 12 years of data archival.

ChangeTower can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Competitive Monitoring: Get alerted when a competitor is launching a new product, adding a new client or publishing a press release.
  • SEO Monitoring: Keep an eye on competitor rankings and unintended SEO changes.
  • News Story Alerts: Stay on top of breaking news that affects your business or industry.
  • Compliance Monitoring: Ensure key website pages meet corporate and regulatory requirements.
  • Website and System Status Monitoring: Find out when a website or system is down before your customers do.

ChangeTower can be useful for a wide range of people, including corporate marketing and strategy teams, IT teams, small business owners, compliance officers and others. Its automatic archiving and customizable alert system make it a good way to monitor and track website changes, and it can help with compliance requirements, too.

Published on July 16, 2024

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