
Access a growing library of pre-trained, open-source AI models for various tasks, easily integratable into software through well-documented APIs and Docker containers.
Artificial Intelligence Integration Machine Learning Model Management API Integration

Cargoship lets developers incorporate AI models into their software without having to learn about machine learning. The project offers a library of pre-trained, open-source models that developers can use through APIs. The models tackle a variety of AI tasks, including image and text recognition, text generation, audio transcription and general-purpose data processing.

Among Cargoship's features are:

  • Growing library of models: Models that are curated and fine-tuned from HuggingFace and GitHub.
  • Up to date: The project keeps pace with the latest developments in AI.
  • Easy to use: Models are packaged in Docker containers with well-documented APIs.
  • Open-source and self-hostable: Users can run models themselves or get a personal endpoint and API key with a minimal amount of setup.

Cargoship models span several categories:

  • Text Processing: Analyze text, identify language and other tasks (4 models)
  • Text Generation: Generate new text based on input (2 models)
  • Image Recognition: Identify objects and text in images, classify them or find subtitles (3 models)
  • Image Generation: Generate new images based on input (1 model)
  • Audio Transcription: Convert spoken words in an audio recording into text (1 model)

Cargoship is geared for developers who want to add AI abilities to their software without having to build a lot of machine learning expertise. The project is in early access and welcomes feedback through its Discord channel. Developers can get started with pre-trained models, using them directly in their products to add new abilities.

Published on June 13, 2024

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