CAM Assist

Automates CAM programming, estimating cycle times, designing fixtures, and optimizing feeds and speeds to boost productivity and reduce manual labor.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing Automation Software Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing

CAM Assist is an AI plug-in that automates CAM programming for industries like aerospace, automotive and oil and gas. It integrates with your CAM package to automate programming, maximize spindle utilization and boost business. Through the use of AI, CAM Assist can help users save hundreds of hours in programming and estimation by automatically handling tasks such as cycle time estimation, fixture design and cutting parameter optimization.

Some of the key benefits of CAM Assist include:

  • Estimate cycle times: Provides accurate cycle time estimates, so you can process more quotes and win more business.
  • Design fixtures instantly: Automatically generates custom soft jaw designs in seconds, reducing time from CAD to first cut.
  • Automate CAM programming: Completes 80% of CAM programming with the click of a button, increasing programmer productivity.
  • Optimize feeds and speeds: Ensures the right cutting parameters for each operation, minimizing scrap and increasing right-first-time production.

CAM Assist is compatible with several CAM packages, including Fusion and Mastercam. It can be set up the same day and requires only one hour of training, making it an accessible tool for workshops of any size. The plug-in integrates directly into your existing CAM package, eliminating the need for new post-processors or large macro databases.

Pricing starts at $99 per month, making it an affordable option for machining businesses. Users have reported substantial time savings, including reducing manual work from 1 hour to 2 minutes for robotics and from 6 hours to 20 minutes for automotive projects.

CAM Assist is easy to use, requiring minimal setup and training. It also comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee, so users can try the tool risk-free. For those interested in learning more, CAM Assist has an ever-growing library of video tutorials on its YouTube channel.

Built and tested in a 22-machine factory, CAM Assist has been proven in real-world manufacturing environments. It is designed to help machining businesses increase productivity, reduce manual labor and improve profitability.

Published on July 15, 2024

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