
Generates creative content suggestions based on customizable source material, enabling users to recombine language in diverse styles and formats.
Content Generation Language Translation Creative Writing Tools

Botnik is a collective of writers, artists and programmers who use computers to generate all sorts of content, online and offline. At the center of the effort is Voicebox, a creative keyboard that suggests words based on source material you can customize, similar to the predictive text on your phone. That lets you recombine language in different styles, from pancake recipes to Harry Potter narration.

The collective is augmented by Botnik Studios, which highlights higher-end content produced by the human-machine collaboration. You can participate through a weekly newsletter, a gallery for sharing and running text experiments, and real-world live events.

Examples of the project's creative output include generating predictive text for sources like Netflix horror movies, X-Files scripts and even animal wikis. The project also offers Botnik Live!, where you can see real-world, live events featuring the collective's work.

Botnik's tools are designed to be easy to use, so anyone curious about the boundaries of language and machine learning can try them. The project is geared for creative types and writers, but anyone can benefit from its approach to manipulating language.

Published on August 5, 2024

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