Get personalized content recommendations, manage tasks and notes, and access saved content offline, all in a customizable start page.
Content Curation Personalized Recommendations Productivity Tools is a new way to browse the web, replacing traditional start pages with a customizable interface that puts your favorite bookmarks at your fingertips. The service cuts down on web browsing tedium by letting you quickly bookmark, tag, categorize and highlight new sites with a one-tap interface built into its browser extension.

Among's features are:

  • Personalized Recommendations: An AI-powered system suggests content that's likely to be of interest to you.
  • Task Management: You can add tasks and notes alongside bookmarks for better productivity.
  • Offline Access: You can save tweets, YouTube videos and articles for later offline reading.

By gathering sites you like and new interests you discover into one customizable start page, hopes to save you time and boost productivity. That's especially useful for people who want a more organized and personalized web-surfing experience. hasn't revealed pricing details yet. For more information, check its website.

Published on June 14, 2024

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