
Automates network diagnostics with advanced packet analysis and machine learning to quickly identify and troubleshoot network problems, reducing resolution time and costs.
Network Diagnostics Telecommunications Optimization Automated Troubleshooting

B-Yond is an AI-based platform that automates and accelerates network diagnostics for telecommunications operators around the world. With the combination of advanced packet analysis and a large knowledge base, B-Yond helps teams quickly identify and troubleshoot network problems, speeding up the resolution of network issues.

Some of the key capabilities of B-Yond include:

  • Automated Packet Analysis: Provides a detailed analysis of network data to quickly identify problems.
  • Intelligent Root Cause Identification: Uses machine learning to identify the root cause of network problems.
  • Network Failure Knowledge Base: Houses a large repository of network problems and their solutions.
  • Seamless Troubleshooting: Analyzes PCAPs to provide detailed information about network problems.
  • A-CHAT Conversational Interface: Translates complex data requests into a conversational interface for telecom engineers and network operators.

B-Yond can help telecommunications operators save time and money on network maintenance and troubleshooting, letting them expand their network operations more quickly. It's particularly useful for those trying to get 4G and 5G networks up and running. With B-Yond, operators can:

  • Reduce Time-to-Market: Speed up feature releases by automating testing and certification.
  • Improve Network Uptime: Improve network performance and reliability by resolving issues faster.
  • Lower Operating Expenses: Minimize manual intervention and reduce downtime.

B-Yond's value is also demonstrated through real-world examples, including:

  • Tier 1 North American Operator: Cut test costs by 50% and speed up time-to-market for new features by several months.
  • 10x Increase in Test Capacity: Improve network quality and speed up resolution times.

B-Yond can be deployed in a variety of ways, including integration with customers' existing cloud infrastructure or use of the B-Yond Cloud. Its comprehensive support and training program ensures customers can get the most out of the AI packet analyzer.

B-Yond is geared for telecommunications operators and engineers that want to modernize their network management and troubleshooting. It's a fast and reliable way to resolve network problems and improve overall performance.

Published on June 30, 2024

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