
Estimates bone age from a single X-ray, enabling rapid assessment of growth disorders and health problems in pediatric patients.
Medical Diagnosis Pediatric Medicine AI-assisted Healthcare

Azyri is an AI medical assistant that's designed to help medical staff. One of the tools it offers is an estimate of bone age, an important part of pediatric medicine. A bone age study is a way for doctors to assess the maturity of a child's skeleton by analyzing a single X-ray of the left wrist, hand and fingers.

The tool is useful for pediatric caregivers, who can use it to rapidly assess bone age and look for signs of growth disorders or other health problems. The AI compares the X-ray to a reference atlas of X-rays to estimate bone age, a measurement that can be used to diagnose conditions like constitutional growth delay, precocious puberty, thyroid disease and growth hormone deficiency.

Azyri's bone age estimation tool is available for free on mobile devices, so it's a useful resource for professionals, students and AI curious people. The AI assistant doesn't offer medical advice, but it can be a useful tool in the diagnosis process.

Published on June 11, 2024

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