
Transforms written thoughts into stunning visual art, making self-reflection more engaging and expressive through AI-generated imagery.
AI-generated Art Journaling Tools Mental Health Support

Avath is a gratitude journal tailored for visual thinkers, infusing the traditional journaling experience with stunning, AI-created imagery. The service is designed to make self-reflection more engaging and more expressive by turning your written thoughts into compelling works of art.

Avath uses new generative AI models to turn your written reflections into stunning works of art. Here are some of its main features:

  • Generative AI: Transforms your thoughts into stunning visual art.
  • Sleek Design: Works on mobile and desktop for a seamless experience.
  • Personalized Art Gallery: A collection of art that reflects your thoughts and feelings.
  • Privacy First: Uses industry-standard encryption and is GDPR compliant and CCPA ready.

Avath offers several pricing tiers to meet your needs:

  • Starter: Free, with 40 AI-generated images, 100 journal entries, and 2 journals.
  • Basic: $3.99/month, with 128 AI-generated images/month, unlimited journal entries, and unlimited journals.
  • Standard: $7.99/month, with 260 AI-generated images/month, unlimited journal entries, and unlimited journals.
  • Pro: $15.99/month, with 520 AI-generated images/month, unlimited journal entries, and unlimited journals.

Avath is available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) that works like a native app, allowing you to install it on your iOS and Android devices without having to download it from the App Store. Native iOS and Android apps will follow soon.

If you're a visual person who wants to express yourself and bring your journaling to life with some unique art, Avath is a fresh way to explore self-reflection.

Published on June 9, 2024

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