
Generates high-quality, original eBooks with images in under 15 minutes, streamlining the writing and publishing process for authors of all levels.
eBook Generation Content Creation AI Writing Assistance

Automateed is an all-in-one AI eBook generator that can help you write and publish your content faster. The sophisticated tool is great for both beginners and experienced authors, letting you quickly create compelling eBooks. With GPT-4, Automateed can generate more than 90 pages of content, including images, with the click of a button.

The interactive AI eBook generator has a range of features to make the process of creating an eBook as easy as possible. You can use it to create eBook covers and chapter images with simple text prompts like "a wolf" or "love is in the air." The tool also lays out the entire process for you, helping you find a niche, sub-niche, topic ideas and title ideas, and helping you with marketing tasks.

One of the most impressive things about Automateed is its ability to create a book with images in 15 minutes or less, which makes it great for people with no writing experience or a short deadline. The platform has more than 50 marketing tasks to help you create high-quality eBooks and novels quickly. And the eBooks are completely original and yours to keep, with no need to include credits or attribution.

Automateed also offers a free trial so you can try it out and create a sample eBook without any commitment. The tool works on any device with an internet connection, so you can work anywhere.

Automateed offers tiered pricing plans:

  • Entry Plan: $15/month for 4 eBook generations and unlimited task generations.
  • Standard Plan: $25/month for 8 eBook generations and unlimited task generations.
  • Pro Plan: $50/month for 30 eBook generations and unlimited support. You can also sign up for yearly plans that offer discounts if you commit to a longer subscription.

Whether you want to write informative eBooks or novels, Automateed's interface and tools make it a good option for anyone who wants to get a jump start on their eBook writing.

Published on June 14, 2024

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