
Generate custom images without technical expertise, leveraging high-quality fine-tuning for premium results without worrying about GPUs or hyperparameter tuning.
Image Generation AI-powered Design Content Creation Tools

Astria is a platform for generating custom images using AI, letting you create the visual content you need without worrying about GPUs, Python scripts, or hyperparameter tuning. Astria's high-quality fine-tuning means you can get premium results without having to know how to get there.

Some of Astria's main features include:

  • High-quality fine-tuning: Get the results you want without worrying about the details.
  • Video creation: Bring your ideas to life with motion, no footage required.
  • Easy API: Fast, stable, and easy to use, so you can get up and running quickly.
  • Photobooth: A range of tools to customize your images, including IP-Adapter, Pose, Depth, and more.

Pricing is as follows:

  • AI Model: $1.50 per fine-tune, for training a custom model.
  • 8 Images: $0.10 per prompt, for generating a set of 8 images.
  • Video: $0.40 per 100 frames, for generating a video.

Super-resolution, face correction, and prompt masking are extra. Astria is designed to make image creation easy, so you can focus on your creative vision. It's great for people who need custom images but don't have the expertise to get them.

Published on June 13, 2024

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