
Test APIs quickly and securely with AI-assisted data model generation, Open API Specs, and integration code, all within a native Mac app.
API Testing API Integration Artificial Intelligence Assistance

Aspen is a free, easy-to-use API testing tool for macOS designed for use with REST APIs. It's got a zero-trust policy that means everything happens on your Mac, with no data storage or login. It's designed to let developers get to work on API testing and integration more quickly with an integrated AI assistant, Alfred.

Aspen lets you test APIs within a native Mac app. It can generate data models, Open API Specs and integration code with AI assistance. That means you can get to API testing faster. You can enter parameters you want to try and get results in less than a second.

One of the things that distinguishes Aspen from other API testing tools like Postman or Insomnia is that it doesn't require a login, which means it's more secure and convenient. The AI interface is another big difference, making it easier to get started with testing.

Aspen is the work of Treblle, an API platform for the full life cycle of APIs. It's free to use. It's good for developers who need something easy to use and reliable for designing and testing API integrations.

Published on June 14, 2024

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