
Delivers advanced awareness and security to the tactical edge through autonomous systems, combining AI and open operating systems for persistent threat detection and response.
Autonomous Systems Military Technology National Security Solutions

Anduril is a family of autonomous systems designed to deliver advanced awareness and security to the tactical edge of military operations on land, sea and air. By combining cutting-edge technologies like AI and open operating systems, Anduril is able to deliver persistent awareness and security to the tactical edge.

Anduril's family of systems, all built on Lattice OS, includes:

  • Force Protection: Counter UAS, Counter Intrusion, and Maritime Counter Intrusion systems to identify and engage threats.
  • Air Systems: Autonomous air vehicles, including Roadrunner, Fury, Ghost and ALTIUS, for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission sets.
  • Underwater Vehicles: The Dive-LD, a reliable and flexible AUV for littoral and deep-water survey, inspection and ISR.
  • Rocket Motors: High-volume merchant supply of conventional and next-generation rocket motors.

The Lattice OS integrates autonomous sensemaking and command & control with open, modular and scalable hardware components. This enables a layered approach to security and awareness across multiple domains.

Some specific products in the Anduril family include:

  • Anvil: An autonomous kinetic defeat system for counter-UAS operations.
  • Iris: Airborne autonomous imaging and targeting sensors for a variety of airborne combat applications.
  • Menace: Configurable command, control, communications, and computing solutions for distributed operations in austere environments.
  • Pulsar: Software-defined Electromagnetic Warfare systems that rapidly adapt to emerging threats.
  • Sentry: An autonomous awareness system using AI to provide persistent security across land, sea and air.

Anduril's solutions are designed to be adaptable, modular and scalable to support a broad range of defense and commercial mission sets. The company's goal is to bring the latest technology to transform US and allied military capabilities, ultimately enhancing national security and protecting warfighters.

Published on June 9, 2024

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