
Track and analyze online attention to research, beyond traditional citation counts, instantly.
Research Analytics Social Media Monitoring Academic Publishing Tools

Altmetric measures and analyzes online attention indicators for published research, offering a way to see where research is having an effect. The service aggregates online activity from social media, news articles, policy documents and other sources so you can track, report and display attention to your research.

Altmetric serves a range of customers, including publishers, academics, funders, researchers, pharmaceutical companies and corporate R&D. The service offers several ways to track engagement:

  • Altmetric Explorer: See and compare online attention to research from multiple sources in one place.
  • Altmetric Badges: See at a glance how research is being shared, a useful complement to traditional citation counts.
  • Altmetric API: Use Altmetric data for advanced searches, custom visualizations and data integration for your own analysis.
  • Altmetric Consultancy: Get custom dashboards and other services to meet your needs.

By going beyond traditional citations, Altmetric lets you see the whole story of research influence. That's particularly useful for evaluating research influence, seeing where research is being followed outside academia and optimizing outreach efforts.

The service is designed to be easy to use, with visualizations and filtering mechanisms to help you understand what's going on and zero in on what's most interesting. Reports can be generated and exported to help you show results or justify grants.

Altmetric can be used in a variety of contexts:

  • Academic institutions: Evaluate the influence of your research and reputation around the world.
  • Scholarly publishers: Show authors where their work is having an impact and help them with future grant applications.
  • Corporate R&D: Find thought leaders, track clinical trials and optimize collaboration opportunities.
  • Government and funders: Improve outreach efforts, justify investments and measure project engagement.

Altmetric is designed to help you get the most out of your research by giving you insight into online attention and engagement. With machine learning and AI, Altmetric is constantly improving the sophistication of its data analysis to uncover hidden patterns and thought leaders within an organization.

Published on July 11, 2024

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