Access a versatile AI model via email to perform various tasks, from text-to-sound conversion and summarization to writing assists and image creation, instantly.
Artificial Intelligence Email Automation Productivity Tools is an AI model accessible by email that can perform a variety of tasks from your inbox. You can ask questions or send tasks by email and get a response almost immediately, which can be useful for getting things done in your life and work.

Some of the tasks you can perform with include:

  • Text-to-Sound Conversion: Convert text into sound, useful for creating podcasts or listening to articles.
  • Text Summarization: Summarize long documents so you can understand them faster.
  • Writing Assists: Create emails from bullet points, write ad copy, stories and more.
  • Language Translation: Translate text into English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages.
  • Image Creation: Create images for articles or social media posts.
  • Study Tools: Write abstracts, create personalized messages and create full course outlines.
  • Code Bug Fixes: Fix bugs in your code.

To use, you just have to send an email to with the command or task in the subject line. The AI model understands multiple languages, and you can forward the results to coworkers.

Some examples of tasks you can perform with include converting text to sound, summarizing long documents, generating business ideas, writing custom stories for kids and creating attention-grabbing ads.

With AI technology available through an email interface, hopes to increase productivity and make your life and work easier.

Published on June 14, 2024

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