AI Query

Converts natural language prompts into complex SQL queries, automating database management tasks with high accuracy and supporting various database engines.
Database Management SQL Automation Artificial Intelligence Integration

AI Query automates the process of creating SQL queries by using AI to convert natural language prompts into complex SQL queries. The tool uses the latest OpenAI GPT and Google PaLM 2 models to provide the most accurate results.

AI Query supports a variety of database engines, and users can define their database tables using an easy-to-use dashboard interface. The tool includes:

  • SQL Generation: Convert English prompts into SQL queries.
  • SQL to English Translator: Convert complex SQL queries into English.
  • Database Schema: Define database tables.
  • Query History: Unlimited history of saved SQL queries.
  • Standard and Priority Support: Help with technical issues and feedback on features.

Pricing for AI Query is simple:

  • Pro: $10/month (standard features, standard support) or $100/year (faster AI responses, priority support and features).
  • Pro: Unlimited SQL queries, explanations, database schema, and query history.

AI Query is useful for anyone who needs to write SQL queries, regardless of their background. The tool is great for people who need to automate their database management tasks but don't want to spend time writing complex SQL code. Check out their website for more information.

Published on June 14, 2024

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