AI Finder

Search files and folders using natural language prompts, leveraging AI-powered content, time, and tag-based search capabilities to quickly find what you need.
Natural Language Search File System Management AI-powered Document Retrieval

AI Finder is a tool that lets you search for specific files or folders in your file system using natural language prompts. It's designed to address the difficulty of finding what you need in a pile of documents by using AI technology to interpret your query.

Among AI Finder's abilities are:

  • Content-based search: Find files that contain particular words or phrases.
  • Time-based search: Find files created or modified at a particular time.
  • Duplicate file search: Find duplicate files.
  • Tag-based search: Find files with particular tags.
  • Loose matching: Find files whose content is a loose match to a particular sentence.

AI Finder uses OpenAI's GPT to process your query and search files in designated workspaces. That means the tool only has access to files and folders you specifically grant permission to, and that your data remains private. You set up a workspace that includes the files and folders you want AI Finder to search.

It's good for people and teams who have a lot of documents and want to be able to find what they need. It lets you query your file system in a natural language way.

Published on June 13, 2024

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