If you want a stock photo site where you can narrow search results by color, orientation and other parameters, Lummi is a great option. Lummi is a curated collection of royalty-free AI stock photos with a lot of filtering options, including color, orientation, number of people, focal point and luminance. Its subject categories like Food and Drink, Nature, Family, Animals and Art are useful for finding what you need. Lummi's AI-powered system is fast and accurate at finding high-quality images and doesn't require any licenses or payments, making it a great resource for creatives.
Another good option is Everypixel, which indexes photos from more than 50 sources and uses AI to curate and filter results. It's got a lot of features, including search by image and filters to narrow down the results. Everypixel also offers monthly curated collections of free images and an up-to-date search index so you can get the latest shots. It's good for individuals and companies looking for licensed images at a relatively low cost.
For a more general-purpose option, 123RF has a range of tools for searching and downloading stock photos, royalty-free images, clipart, vectors and illustrations. It's got an AI Image Generator and six AI-powered editing tools that can be useful for making and editing images. With more than 100 million images to choose from and a range of subscription options, 123RF is a good option for photography, small businesses and graphic design.
And Find has advanced search abilities with filters for tags, dates, locations and other parameters. It also supports Boolean operators for more advanced searches. Find is free, ad-supported and doesn't require a subscription. Find is designed with user privacy in mind and can run entirely offline, so it's a good option for managing and exploring photos. The app is available on iOS, and there's an iMessage extension to share photos. It's actively maintained with new features and improvements.