For real-time stock market alerts and sentiment analysis, Uptrends is a great option. It tracks thousands of news sources to monitor trending stocks and send real-time alerts on price, sentiment and mentions. The service also features AI-powered event detection and customizable email alerts so you can make data-driven investment decisions. Its tiered pricing means even the free tier gets access to a trending stocks leaderboard and news alerts feed.
Another good choice is LevelFields, an AI-based stock and options trading service. It spots market-moving events and sends alerts and explanations to help you make investment decisions. The service also offers daily AI stock and options trades, event alerts and customizable trading strategies, so it's good for a range of investment styles.
If you want a service with more features, check out TradeUI. It marries AI-generated signals, option flow data and advanced chart patterns to keep you up to date. With its RealTime Signals and AI Sentiment tools, you can forecast market direction and fine tune your approach. TradeUI has a variety of pricing tiers to match different trading needs, including a 2-week free trial.