If you want a service to track your reading history and recommend new books based on your tastes, The StoryGraph is a top contender. It keeps a record of what you've read and recommends books based on your mood, themes and preferences. The site also offers analytics and insights through charts and graphs, mood-based discovery and a reading journal. It can import data from Goodreads and offers mobile apps on the App Store and Play Store.
Another contender is BooksAI, a mobile app that offers AI-generated summaries of books. It offers spoiler-free, spoiler-filled and hybrid summaries for more than 40 million books, so you can find new literature that suits your style. The app also offers AI-recommended books based on your favorites and works in nine languages, so you can explore international literature.
NextThreeBooks uses GPT-3 technology to recommend books based on your preferences for different genres and writing styles. It offers three handpicked book recommendations based on your tastes, so you can find new literature that's actually of interest to you.
If you want a more precise search, BookAbout lets you search for books by a variety of attributes, not just author or genre. Its AI-powered search engine matches your query with similar books in a database of more than 500,000 titles, so it's a good option for voracious readers looking for something new.