If you're looking for a more comprehensive virtual learning platform that balances security and ease of use, CodeTantra could be a good option. It offers features like 2-factor authentication, role-based access control and encryption to protect online classes. It also includes auto-evaluated assessments, live polls, real-time annotations and a powerful learning management system with detailed analytics. That makes it a good option for schools and universities.
Another good option is Auth0, which specializes in strong authentication and authorization. It offers multi-factor authentication, customizable actions and secure communication abilities. It's highly scalable and can be used with a variety of languages and frameworks, so it's good for a lot more than just education.
For companies that want more advanced exam security, Honorlock offers a hybrid approach that combines live proctors with AI technology to thwart academic dishonesty during online exams. It offers secure test browsers, cell phone detection and AI tool blocking so assessments are protected. It's good for schools and universities and certification programs.