For building your own AI replicas for educational purposes, Humy is a great tool. It lets teachers chat with more than 1,000 historical figures, so students can have a more engaging conversation and learn more. Humy's AI technology is designed to ensure the responses are historically accurate, helping students think critically and participate more actively. It also offers tools for creating lesson plans, study materials and AI grading to free up your time and get immediate feedback.
Another interesting project is Sensay, which lets you build your own AI replicas from raw data. The platform uses AI avatars that capture people's personalities, so it's good for interactive educational situations. Sensay is geared for continuous learning and improvement in interaction quality so the AI replicas get more useful over time.
Hello History is another useful tool, offering life-like conversations with historical figures using AI. It's designed to help teachers and students explore historical subjects like philosophy and science in more depth. It uses powerful AI, including GPT-4, to generate natural-sounding and personalized conversations, making learning more engaging and fun.