3Commas has a powerful platform with smart automated trading tools, including smart trading terminals, bot presets and the ability to bring TradingView indicators straight into exchanges. It automates trading on 14 major cryptocurrency exchanges, and has a range of pricing plans to accommodate different needs. It's good for people who want to manage multiple exchange accounts in one place.
Another top contender is DipSway, which uses AI for fully automated trading 24/7. It's got an interface for launching cloud-based bots, more than 16 automated trading strategies, and support for several exchanges, including OKX, BitMart, Bybit and Binance. DipSway is designed to eliminate manual chart watching and time-sensitive buy/sell decisions, so it's a good option for automated trading.
If you're looking for institutional-level AI-driven trading strategies, Kvants matches you with a variety of AI-driven quantitative trading strategies from hedge funds. It's got features like API trading, non-custodial Omni Chain and DeFi Vaults, and support for several ecosystems. Kvants requires a minimum investment of $3199.99, but it's got detailed investment information and performance metrics if you're willing to take your trading to the next level.